Selamat Maal-Hijrah 1435H

Selamat Maulidurrasul

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Do you know?


Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
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Dahlia x hybrida
Dahlia x hybrida
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Kerajaan: Plantae
(tidak termasuk) Eudicots
(tidak termasuk) Asterids
Ordo: Asterales
Famili: Asteraceae
Genus: Dahlia
30 species, 20,000 cultivars
Dahlia adalah tanaman perdu berumbi yang sifatnya tahunan (perenial), berbunga di musim panas sampai musim gugur. Dahlia adalah bunga nasional negara Meksiko yang juga merupakan negara asal bunga ini.
Dahlia termasuk bunga yang terlambat dikembang-biakkan. Pada tahun 1872, negeri Belanda menerima sekotak umbi Dahlia yang dikirim dari Meksiko. Dari sekotak umbi bunga Dahlia ternyata hanya satu umbi yang berhasil berbunga namun menghasilkan bunga indah berwarna merah dengan daun bunga yang runcing. Ahli tanaman berhasil mengembang biakkan Dahlia yang kemudian dinamakan Dahlia juarezii. Dahlia juarezii merupakan nenek moyang semua bunga Dahlia hibrida (persilangan) yang terdapat sekarang ini.
Tanaman dahlia adalah makanan larva beberapa spesies Lepidoptera (jenis kupu-kupu).
Bunga Dahlia dinamakan untuk menghormati ahli botani berkebangsaan Swedia dari abad ke-18 yang bernama Anders Dahl.
Dahlia juga merupakan bunga resmi kota Seattle, negara bagian Washington, Amerika Serikat.

[sunting] Manfaat

Bunga Dahlia yang kita kenal sekarang terdiri dari ratusan kultivar. Sebagian besar varietas tanaman Dahlia menghasilkan bunga yang warnanya cerah dan mempesona, sehingga Dahlia merupakan komoditas penting bagi industri bunga potong dan tanaman pot.

[sunting] Pranala luar

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sangka Buruk Perlu (tapi jgn zahirkan di bibir kalau belum terbukti)

Hi all,

Anyone in KK might have seen this person called Dale Gregory Charles, a 26 yrs old guy, height 160cm, weight 90kg, always wear a cap. A flabby guy, who used to appear in the area of Menggatal, Telipok, Likas, Inanam etc. He is driving a light blue Proton Wira.

This jobless person who went around selling used car and computer, laptop etc. This guy used to hunt for victims like students in Ums to lure them into buying of cheap and affordable laptop by collecting some upfront money with the promise that the goods will arrive weeks later. Then, he will go disappear.

Later, this guy found his old tricks unusable, he began to venture into selling "Tarik Balik" car. But, he din't have enough model to start, he also went around looking for funds by promising a return as high as 20% per month. He even shows you the pix of the car he will take from the bank. This again has lure few people into his hand.

Beware of this sweet talking guy who looks sincere and honest but tricky inside the heart. Upfront, he can promise whatever he can. At the end, he can give you thousand of excuses and turn disappear.

If you happen to see this guy, beware of his eyes and sweet talk. Anyone could be his next victim.

This is a true story as it happened to me since 2009. I am one of the victim. I learnt a big lesson.

Do forward this to all your friends especially those staying in KK if possible. You may find the photo of this man as attached.

Thank you.

Kota Kinabalu